Get To Know Me

The name's Sarah.

I create.

Twenty Facts About Me
  • I'm kinda awkward...or so I'm told
  • I love to have a good time
  • I'm basically always laughing 
  • My favorite season is fall
  • I have a dog- her name is Molly and she is a beagle

She has an instagram (click on the picture)
  • I love to take pictures
  • I'm not a big fan of the sun- I have pretty fair skin
  • You can follow me on pinterest here
  • I really want to be able to drive (I'm still only 15)
  • My favorite food is Chipotle's chicken burrito bowl (MMMM)
  • I kind of LOVE glitter- maybe a little too much.
  • Another one of my obsessions is chalkboards- I'm told that I can draw on them really well.
  • One day I hope to live in Washington D.C.
  • I love doing everything by hand.
  • I also love to dance and act
  • At the moment, I need a haircut
  • I'm pretty random and get off track easily- sorry in advance!
  • I love making things and one day I want to have my own Etsy shop
  • I am learning French and would love to go there.

Well that's that.

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